
International student group knit wraps with love

International student group knit wraps with love

A dedicated group of international students has knitted their way to the UOW Library, presenting a number of knitted woolen wraps to the 2017 Wrap with Love campaign. 

The Illawarra Friends of International Students (IFIS) worked on the project alongside an international student conversation group, knitting five wraps to donate to the campaign.

Wrap with Love is a non-political, not-for-profit organisation that distributes knitted woolen wraps (blankets) around the world to people in need. The UOW Library has undertaken Wrap with Love as a project for a number of years, with the knitting conversation group developed by the IFIS contributing to their efforts substantially for the past two years.

IFIS Vice-President Jan Kemper said the project provided students with opportunities to learn new skills, meet more students and help others in need.

“The participation has ben amazing and this year it has been a real team effort,” she said.

“Some have taken their knitting home, some take their knitting to lectures and others just knit at our conversation sessions.

“New knitters have encouraged others to try and we have had some of our Aussie boys learn and teach other boys from many cultural backgrounds. It has been a real multicultural experience. “

The presentation, held last Tuesday (1 August), was attended by student participants, members of the local Rotary Executive and Library and International Student Programs Executive staff.

UOW Director of Library Services Margie Jantti praised international student volunteers for their substantial contribution.

“Our generous and talented volunteers knit, crotchet and sew in groups for those in need of warmth and refuge, over their lunch break and in their homes, and our 2017 results will be on display in the Library Main Foyer from Thursday 17 August – Saturday 19 August,” she said.

The 2017 Wrap with Love campaign will conclude Monday 14 August.