
The 5 most Instagrammable spots on campus at UOW

If you’re planning on going to uni, it's a massive bonus when your campus has a bunch of picture-perfect study spots.

McKinnon Lawn and McKinnon Lane

As the name might suggest, McKinnon Lawn can be found sprawling out in front of the McKinnon building: 67 on the map. From the building’s landing you can take a shot with a fairly impressive view or linger around the water and lawn for close ups. McKinnon lane runs along on the other side of the stream, beside building 19. The lane itself provides opportunity for beautiful pics.

A wooden bench seat by the pond at McKinnon Lawn.


Community Garden

This little spot gives slight dystopian vibes. It's tucked away in the arms of building 35, biology and information sciences, and doesn’t that just sound like something out of a sci-fi movie? Volunteers at UOW have a shared community garden, planted around this area giving it plenty of green and that ‘nature taking over building’ look.

Chairs and tables shaded by trees and umbrellas in a brick courtyard.


Rainbow Staircase

A fairly recent addition to campus is the rainbow staircase where we show off our true colours. Once you locate the library, the rainbow can’t be missed, its loud and proud and sure to light up any post. 

A stairway painted in various colours leads up to a building.


Science Lawn

While it isn’t labeled on most iterations of UOW maps, this patch of nature is certainly worth a visit. It runs along the length of building 41, the science building, and although it isn’t manicured like McKinnon Lawn or Duckpond it is definitely a competitor for your attention. Outside hubs are perfect for those ‘man-made vs nature’ contrasting pics and the duck life here is far superior to the other two lawns. Lighting in this hotspot is perfect for both bright colours and grayscale photography.

A pathway leads across a stream of water towards green grass and buildings on campus at UOW.


Duckpond Lawn

Duckpond is nestled in the heart of UOW. It’s easy to locate as it plays host to various events from O-Week to the end of session Jam (a music comp for bands, DJs, acoustic artists etc). The duckpond and the natural fence of foliage that surrounds the lawn makes for a spectacular photo op from every angle.

A large tree with yellow leaves overhangs a timber deck and lawn nearby the duckpond.


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