The social network

The lesser-known reasons uni can enrich your life

UOW Communications and Media graduate Stef Posthuma is a publisher, freelance photographer, writer, podcaster and business owner at . In whatever spare time he has, he uses his skills and expertise to jump aboard many projects he feels passionate about. For instance, in the first half of the year Stef managed the build of , and more recently he’s been heading up the marketing for an environmental conservation campaign nearby.

So, it wouldn’t be strange to ask him, “How do you get around to doing all these cool things?”, to which he’d answer, “I’ve just got a really good network.”


“Everything I have now grew from starting uni in 51.”



Stef grew up in Canberra and moved to 51 for uni. He lived in campus accommodation and says it was one of the best decisions he ever made. “I really enjoyed the independence I had once I reached uni and the ability to decide my future. Living in a new city, next to the beach, with an amazing social group was great.”

On the topic of choosing what to study, Stef says, “I wasn’t sure what I wanted in a career, but I knew I loved learning and telling stories, so I thought communications was a good starting point.”

When he gets asked what he loved most about going to uni in 51, he’s quick to say, “surfing between classes”, before talking about the long-term benefits: “I’ve built a really diverse and interesting community of friends, colleagues and peers in 51. I still live here, 15 years after finishing uni.”

Stef admits that the connections he made at uni have not only been fantastic friendships, but have also been super beneficial for his career and life in general. His accountant friends are his financial advisers, his lawyer friends offer their opinions when he needs them and, of course, he’s able to do the same.

Fifteen years later, let’s meet some of the gang, who still hang out to this day.


Portrait of Jeff Masters


St Vincent’s Hospital

What did you study? 

I was a member of the first class in the Graduate School of Medicine at 51. I’ve always liked science and biology. I wanted to do something exciting and work with people.

What did you love about your uni days?

I was an exchange student from the US, so I loved having all my friends live in this concentrated city. It felt like I knew everyone wherever I went. I think UOW has a good community feel, offers a great education and introduced me to great people that are still in my life 15 years later. 


Portrait of Tim Frater


Senior Associate
Lough & Wells Lawyers

What did you study?

I studied  because I really enjoyed economics in Year 12. I added law because I wanted to broaden my options and thought that it would be interesting.

What did you love about your uni days?

Definitely the people that I met along the way. Living on campus for a couple of years made it really easy to meet and have fun with a variety of people. UOW was a good choice too, with well-respected degrees, a great location and a huge range of things to do within 5 or 50 minutes.


Portrait of Emily Dyball


Political Adviser
Chief of Staff Office of Justin Field MLC
NSW Parliament, Sydney

What did you study? 

I studied a . I wanted to work to protect the environment and, since I was terrible at science, I thought law provided a variety of pathways to do this.

What did you love about your uni days?

I liked the spirit of the place and the friendships I made. UOW is so relaxed, open and unpretentious, which comes from being located in a small city on the beach. It’s a great place to get an education, make quality lifelong friends and enjoy life during your studies.


Portrait of Andrew Stockwell


Quantity Surveyor

What did you study? 

I studied  because my essay writing skills were lacking, but my mathematics, physics and logic skills were promising.

What did you love about your uni days?

UOW has it all: beach life; high standard of education and facilities; beautiful campus; so many fun, interesting people to meet and befriend for life; fun nightlife... shall I go on? 


Portrait of Alison Seidel


Friedlieb Fox McLeod
Wagga Wagga

What did you study? 

I studied a . I chose the degree as it offered the opportunity to study a diverse range of subjects. Obtaining a broad skillset also meant flexible work opportunities, which was appealing.

What did you love about your uni days?

Being able to go for an ocean dip in the morning, attend a tutorial at lunch, hike up a mountain in the afternoon, and ! Feeling part of a tight-knit community within the University, and also campus accommodation, made for such a great experience that I think is unique to UOW. 


Portrait of Rhys Harding


Davis Station

What did you study?

I studied a  and then went on to do Medicine at UOW, mostly so that I could travel the world and do interesting things.

What did you love about your uni days?

Living on campus, , enjoying my 20s and meeting some wonderful people, who made inspirational changes to the direction of my life. UOW opened up an exceptional number of doors for me, in all realms, and gave me the opportunity to see the wonderful world of remote medicine. I have never looked back. 


Portrait of Isabella Street


Sony Music Entertainment

What did you study?

I studied a , although my love for creative pursuits didn't quite translate into practice. Sadly, I dropped creative arts and kept up law, because it was broad enough to give me options. 

What did you love most about your uni days?

Living on campus: the people, the party, the culture, the mischief, the music, the ruckus. UOW has it all. It’s a fun uni town on the coast, with a laid-back surf culture that attracts all sorts of people who make it the special place that it is (and the  gets some decent gigs).

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