
Why UOW Liverpool could be your perfect campus

Where convenience and community collide

For Christina Tran, UOW Liverpool feels more like a tight-knit community than a university campus.
"I love the people and vibes here," she says. 
"Whether it's chatting with classmates between classes or sharing ideas during study sessions, the connections I've made here have really been the highlight of my university experience."
Christina began studying a Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of International Studies in 2021 because it was a versatile combination that could lead to several careers. Initially drawn to the campus location because it was close to home, her time at UOW Liverpool has opened a world of experience.


A ticket to the world

Christina received three New Colombo Plan grants, which covered two online programs by Korea University and Soochow University, plus a partially funded study tour to Japan in 2023.   
"I could experience two different cultures from the comfort of my room. Although these were online and not what I would have originally wanted to do, I found them engaging and immersive, so much so that I did a second online program with Soochow University," she adds. 
However, her short exchange to Japan proved to be the most transformative and favourite memory from her degree. Rather than traditional study, she learned through site visits and sessions with staff members in Japan, enhancing her cultural awareness, adaptability, and global perspective.
"I learned about Japan's academic and corporate culture while engaging in a range of cultural experiences and activities." 
"These experiences have been invaluable as I navigate an increasingly interconnected and multicultural world," she says.


A day in the life at UOW Liverpool

Christina explains a few perks of studying so close to home. Her days often start with a bit of a sleep-in since she lives close by. She'll then catch public transport to uni and stop by one of the local cafes to grab a matcha latté. After arriving on campus, you'll most likely find her in a tutorial or seminar.
"During my breaks between classes, I often use the time to study, review lecture notes, or work on assignments. I like to take advantage of the cosy study spaces on my campus," she says. 
Another advantage of being so close to home is that Christina has more time to see her friends outside of university.


Real-life skills for the future

Christina feels that she's been given more personal and professional opportunities beyond the classroom because she studies at UOW Liverpool. She holds two positions with UOW, as a Student Engagement Officer and Student Services Officer, both of which she finds fulfilling, rewarding, and enjoyable. 
"I've learned a lot and engaged with a diverse range of students from various backgrounds and academic disciplines. This has not only broadened my understanding of different perspectives. It has also allowed me to actively participate in shaping the student experience on campus and advocating for the needs and concerns of my peers," she says.
"These skills are not only applicable to my roles but also transferable to my academic studies and future career aspirations."


Prepared for every opportunity

As Christina looks towards graduation at the end of 2024, she envisions a future filled with possibilities. She is currently deciding between a graduate position or travel overseas to work and take some time away from studying. Regardless of her next move, she feels ready for what’s ahead.